Group 3rd A elements of priodic table.
Boron, aluminium, Galium, indium and thallium are the members of group 3rd A.In this group boron has small size and high nuclear charge. It is the reason that boron has very hig ionization energy. Thus boron is non-metal and other members of group are metals. The abrupt increase in metallic character from boron to aluminium atom.
Occurrence of boron and aluminium:-
Boron is not an abundant element. It is found in traces in soil. It is always found in combined form. Its important minerals are given below.
Orthoboric=========>H2BO3 etc.
Aluminium is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon.its amount in earth,s crust,s is 8.3%. its does not occur in free state. Generally it is found as alumino-silicate minerals.its important minerals are given below.
Kaolin (clay)=======>H2Al2(SIO4)3 OR KalSi3O8 etc.
I have mentioned picular behavior of carbon on my another articale you can read from my new site given above on right we will discus about compounds of boron.
compounds of carbon:-
boron forms a large numbers of will explain borax and some boric acidss.
borax is the sodium salt of tetraboric is also called “tincal” its chemical name is tetraborate decahydrate. It is found in dry lake area of tibet (china) and california. The coomon name of borax is “suhaga”
Here is some explanation of preparation of borax.
1) Borax is prepared by reaction of soda-ash with ho solution of boric acid(H3BO3)
2) Borax is prepared by reaction of finely powdered colemanite with boiling solution of Na2CO3Ca2+Na2CO3=============è2CaCO3+Na2B4O7+2NaBO2(Colimanite)
The CaCO3 settles down as precipitate and clear solution of borax and NaBO2 is taken off. Its crystallization gives fine crystals of borax.we can get more borax by passing CO2 through mother liquor.
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Group 3rd A elements of priodic table.
Reviewed by siraj din
2:38 AM
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